Garden Center & Nursery POS Systems

GreenPoint, our Retail Garden Center solution is built around NCR’s powerful inventory engine and Counterpoint point-of-sale software.

There’s a reason 10 of the top 20 independent garden centers in the United States use NCR Counterpoint – it works!

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GreenPoint is more than your standard garden center POS system, it’s a full retail management system. Complete transactions, track your extensive inventory, manage vendors, automate purchasing, and more. The core functionality is powerful, and you can add modules designed for garden centers, nurseries, and landscapers.

Our Garden Center POS System KEY FEATURES

Core Module:

  • Perform fast, efficient, and secure retail transactions. With intuitive point-of-sale software, even complex transactions are easy.
  • Integrate customer data and offer targeted promotions at POS, via email, or via text.
  • Manage complex inventory. You can track goods at multiple locations and simplify purchasing.
  • Handle all aspects of accounts receivable.
  • Analyze data about your garden center’s performance so you can improve your profitability.
  • Feel peace of mind at the security provided by multiple layers of protection, including alerts of potential fraud or shrinkage.

Garden Center Module:

  • Get up-to-the-second inventory availability reports.
  • Print bench and stake signs easily from any computer using standard sizes and data stored in the database.
  • Manage delivery and handling options to satisfy customers’ specific delivery requirements.
  • Easily receive items as sets and sell them individually.
  • Manage transplants and product growth.
  • Enhance your time clock functionality to allow time entry by job and department.
  • Overlay weather data on sales and inventory numbers.
  • Print dynamic disclaimers for different types of items purchased on invoices.

Nurseries and Growers Module:

  • Schedule planting with analysis based on previous years’ activity or upcoming sales orders.
  • Integrate current or ongoing customer orders with planting schedule to achieve availability by delivery dates.
  • Manage material and labor requirements for planting, tending, potting, and delivery.
  • Process sales orders in the same system as dynamic inventory to have full knowledge of availability now and as stock matures.
  • Use wireless handheld devices to add counts and crop grades directly into inventory.

Landscape Module:

  • Create estimates for one-time and ongoing maintenance jobs.
  • Factor material and labor requirements easily with automatic costing and pricing calculations.
  • Maintain customer history and detailed notes to improve customer service.
  • Track labor and wages.
  • Create reports on cost, productivity, completion percentage, and more. Break down reports to analyze individual performance of workers, operation type, and other criteria to improve profitability.

Benefits of GreenPoint Garden Center POS Core Module

The GreenPoint POS Core Module includes everything you need to perform all your retail operations quickly and easily. With a configurable interface, you can make it easy to find the functions you use most. Handle sales, returns, orders, and layaways all on one ticket.

In addition to this robust retail functionality, you will enjoy functions that enhance your entire operation with this powerful garden center POS system.

Easily Control Pricing Options

Item pricing can be complicated, but GreenPoint makes it easy. You can assign up to six prices per item, including different prices based on size, color, and location. You can also program special pricing scenarios, including volume pricing, mix-and-match, BOGO, and customer specific.

Intuitive Inventory Management

From your POS terminal or any connected computer, you can track individual products at each location, identify shrinkage, availability, and direct the movement of inventory between locations. It’s easy to perform physical counts with wireless hardware and consolidate those numbers into a single display that you can view at all locations and at all times.

You can even integrate inventory management with prices. Set your pricing to automatically discount the last items for quick sale or mark up quick sellers in short supply.

Promote Customer Satisfaction and Leverage Loyalty

It’s easier to maintain and upsell current customers than it is to acquire new ones. With GreenPoint, you can start the process at your garden center POS system. Track customers’ previous purchases, target them via text or email with customized promotions, or set up a loyalty rewards program. The system is easy to use and has numerous options so you can find the one that makes the most sense for your business and your customers.


Core Module Detailed Feature List


  • Ring up sales, returns, orders, backorders, special orders, and layaways or place the entire ticket on hold, print a price quote, or issue a gift certificate or store credit.
  • Text or full graphical touch-enabled ticket entry
  • Zoom in on item and customer details
  • Accept payments on A/R accounts
  • Use NCR Secure Pay for secure payments utilizing data encryption and tokenization
  • Ring up sales independently of your network connectivity
  • Handheld checkout capability
  • Integrated email marketing and texting for automated, targeted promotions


  • View inventory in real time
  • Check prices and quantities across locations and transfer products between stores
  • Data-driven price rules let you quickly set up promotions or contract pricing
  • Forecasting tools help you maintain ideal stocking levels and control your inventory costs
  • Built-in merchandising reports allow you to analyze current levels, spot sales trends, and make better buying decisions
  • Serial # Tracking capability


  • Handle credit limit by customer
  • Track deposits and cash receipts
  • Aging reports and statements for cash management
  • Sales management reports driven by customer metrcs
  • Accounting interfaces available to most major accounting packages


  • Manage vendor items, costs, and lead times
  • Automatically calculate and create restocking orders
  • Simplify reorders by copying historical purchase orders into new purchase orders
  • Set prices as you receive items, based on target margins you define
  • Order and receive merchandise for multiple stores
  • Receive merchandise with or without a purchase order
  • Track backorders, RTVs, and customer-specific purchases


  • Hundreds of built-in customizable reports and journals
  • Built in tools to handle user-defined label and filters for reports
  • View current conditions as well as historical details
  • Powerful Merchandise Analysis Report and Sales Analysis by Group Report let you analyze your inventory in hundreds of different ways
  • Email reports and forms directly to managers, vendors and customers
  • ​Export data from any report or lookup to Excel, Word and other Windows applications


  • Multiple levels of security and PCI DSS 2.0 compliance
  • Protect your system using Windows or SQL authentication and make your password policy PCI-compliant with a single click
  • Support for fingerprint readers and user ID cards
  • User-specific security settings by employee or department lets you control who is allowed to access sensitive functions and data
  • Text or email alerts for store operations, sales activity, fraudulent transactions
  • System exception reporting helps catch fraud and shrinkage


  • Fully integrated to your point of sale system
  • PCI-DSS compliant
  • Competitive rates
  • Transparent pricing with no hidden fees
  • Mobile and contactless options
  • eCommerce solutions
  • Expert support team
  • We are happy to provide a free price comparison and analysis

Benefits of the Garden Center Module

The Retail Garden Center module contains additional industry-specific features that help with inventory tracking, monitoring sales activity at your store, managing customer records, and full integration with your eCommerce site.

Enhanced Inventory Capabilities

With the Garden Center Module, you’ll gain up-to-the-second knowledge of your inventory. As soon as orders enter the system, your inventory will decrease.

In addition, you’ll be able to manage transplants, easily transferring plants commonly used in filling planters and hanging baskets. You can also track tree growth and move individual trees to different price categories.

Gain the ability to define items that come in as sets but sell individually. You can also set up detailed handling and delivery options for merchandise.

Improve Customer Communication

Informed customers are satisfied customers. The Garden Center Module makes it easier to communicate with customers. Print bench and stake signs, and add dynamic disclaimers to your invoice, ticket receipt, delivery receipt, or order form.

Time Clock Improvements

Make it easier for employees to log hours by jobs and departments. You can customize the menu codes for individual users and run detailed reports focusing on employee, job, department, or other details.


Garden Center Module Detailed Feature List


  • Create availability reports by plant for resale or stocking orders
  • As orders are entered in the system, inventory quantities are decreased instantly on the available reports and screens
  • Prepare availability lists for your web site


  • Standard size stake and bench signs are integrated with GreenPoint
  • Any information relating to items including multiple descriptions, items, pictures, images, and additional information is kept in the GreenPoint database
  • Sign making can be accessed from any computer on the network


  • The Delivery/Handling feature allows for multiple delivery and handling options for items on a sales transaction
  • Entry can be an order, ticket or combination of an order and ticket
  • Handling options include “hold for later customer pickup”, “deliver and plant”, and “delivery only”
  • Additional fields are available to add notes regarding the delivery or planting


  • Some items, like pottery, are often purchased in sets of mixed sizes However, the sets will be separated and sold as individual items. This feature allows the ‘parent’ item of a set to be identified along with all ‘child’ items related to the parent
  • Includes costing and inventory control of the parents and children product(s)


  • Bi-lingual screen labels and fields allow time entry by jobs/departments
  • Menu codes can be modified to reflect the specific screens based on individual users
  • Reports are run by employee or by job detail


  • Easily transfer plants used for filling garden planters, container gardens and hanging baskets
  • Can be used for moving trees from one size to another with seasonal price changes


  • Year-to-year comparison of daily sales including weather data
  • Utilizes your local weather station to import temperature, wind and other weather-related metrics


  • Flexible printing of different return policies based on the type of items purchased
  • Disclaimers can be printed on the various customer invoicing forms
Two female employees smiling at the camera

Garden Center Module

The Retail Garden Center module contains additional industry-specific features that help with inventory tracking, monitoring sales activity at your store, managing customer records, and full integration with your eCommerce site. 


Two female employees smiling at the camera

Nurseries and Growers Module

Developed for small and medium size growers, the Nurseries and Growers module integrates easily with the core platform and other GreenPoint applications to handle all facets of your operations.


Benefits of Nurseries and Growers Module

Developed for small and medium size growers, the Nurseries and Growers module integrates easily with the core platform and other GreenPoint applications to handle all facets of your operations.

Crop Management Tools

With the Nurseries and Growers Module, you have access to numerous planning tools that help you maximize your saleable crop. There is a built-in planting scheduler that incorporates previous years’ activities, germination timelines, and growing period by season for all your crops.

The planting schedule can interface directly with customer orders so you can ensure you’re planting at the right time to have deliverable plants when you need them.

Cost Control Tools

The Nursery and Growers Module also offers tools to help streamline your operation. It estimates material and labor requirements for different crops, so you can price items appropriately. It also makes it easier to process and track your dead count.

Flexible Inventory Tools

Track the sales of plants throughout the growing cycle. You can export availability lists directly to your website.

Your inventory system integrates easily with physical inspection data taken by physical inventories (counts) of plants. You can also enter crop grades during the inspection to further refine availability and pricing.

Nurseries and Growers Module Detailed Feature List


  • Built-in planting scheduler which encompasses analyzing data from previous years’ activity
  • Can be fine-tuned with the delivery date of customer orders and quantities, propagation type, and germination timelines
  • Control your growing cycle with functions including monitor counts, loss production and location of stock in the field and/or your growing houses
  • Inventory can be managed for availability lists to your customers based on grade
  • Monitor all aspects of your growing, availability and historical data with sales, inventory, growing and supplier reports

Nursery Production

  • Daily & weekly planting orders – Stick Report
  • Material and labor requirements
  • Requisition report
  • Track inventory by locations
  • Growing period by seasons
  • Process and track dead count
  • Update inventory quantities on-hand through purchasing


  • Track the sales of the plants through the billing cycle, including quotes, orders, invoices, statements and receiving payments
  • Multiple and flexible pricing rules provides the automatic calculation for customer orders
  • Availability lists can be created for output to your web site, or you can fax and/or email to your customers
  • Built-in forms for printing pick and pack lists and billing invoices
  • Market directly to your customers through integrated email marketing functionality

Order Entry & Processing

  • Quotes
  • Order entry
  • Automatic pricing​​

Sales Analysis

  • Sales history by customer & item sales
  • Profit analysis
  • Availability reporting


  • Track growing plants, manage transplant schedules, monitor movement of items to various growing locations, verify physical inventories (counts) and grade crops using a wireless handheld device
  • Saves time and increases accuracy for functions on planting, transplanting, physical counts, grading and area moves
  • Track dead count, location movement, transfer sizes, ship product

Benefits of the Landscape Module

The GreenPoint Landscape Module allows you to track all new landscape design, installation, and maintenance jobs.

This module also includes features that help with job cost analysis, inventory and production control.

Develop Smart Estimates

The GreenPoint Landscape Module makes it easier to pitch profitable proposals by creating cost figures for both one-time and recurring jobs. The software allows you to put in estimates for material, labor, and equipment requirements. Then it automatically produces cost and pricing calculations so you can see whether a job is worth it before you deliver a proposal to potential clients. The software helps you generate a professional-looking final proposal to deliver to clients.

Keep Customers Happy

The Landscape Module helps you schedule your jobs so that you know that you can always fit every project into your available labor and other resources (trucks, tools, and inventory). This will minimize cancellations that lead to dissatisfied customers.

In addition, you can build customer information into your schedule so that you show up to every job with detailed notes about each customer’s preferences.

Fine-Tune Your Business Model

The Landscape Module includes analytical tools that let you look back on every job to determine how profitable it was. You can look at productivity of individuals, material cost, equipment usage, and more factors to determine what you’re doing right and where you should make improvements to become a more profitable operation.


Landscape Module Detailed Feature List


  • Create estimates for new jobs and routine maintenance jobs (ie: lawn care, trees, shrubs plantings, etc.)
  • Account for material, labor & equipment requirements
  • Automatic costing & pricing calculations
  • Generate final proposal to submit to your landscape clients


  • Manage landscape job bookings
  • Maintain customer job contract history
  • Generate final landscape job invoicing


  • Generate reports showing all costs including percentage of completion by individual contract, operation, supervisor, material cost, equipment usage, job profit and loss or various other criteria


  • Crew Work Orders, shipping tickets, material usage, and labor tracking
Two female employees smiling at the camera

Landscape Module

The GreenPoint Landscape Module allows you to track all new landscape design, installation, and maintenance jobs.

This module also includes features that help with job cost analysis, inventory and production control. 

Two female employees smiling at the camera

Payment Processing

Built with security in mind, Mariner Payment Solutions is your gateway to simple, inexpensive payment processing which can save you both time and effort.


Mariner Business Solutions GreenPoint Can Stimulate the Growth of Your Garden Center

Mariner Business Solutions provides the customized garden center POS system that can help your business grow season after season. In addition to our unique and powerful software, we have developed our exclusive Personal Advantage Plus™ Approach to match your POS solution to your business’ needs. With this approach, you will appreciate extensive attention from our team to determine the perfect POS solution for your business. We will:

  • Collaborate with your team to understand your unique goals
  • Recommend solutions tailored to your specific business
  • Configure your software and hardware to enhance your workflow, not change it
  • Provide human support to help you get the most out of your new system
  • Arrive on-site when you need support in person
  • Provide reliable systems with very high uptime
  • Deliver detailed and personalized reporting
  • Offer ongoing competitive innovations to help your system evolve with your growing business

Request a demo today to find out how our solutions can help your business thrive.